
KIA Victoria Takes Preventative Health and Safety Measures Against COVID 19

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Questions and Answers for our guests on Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Covid-19 Update

While we remain open and have had no reported cases of coronavirus amongst our staff, we recognize that the situation is changing daily.  Accordingly, we wanted to provide the following information to our customers.

Please be assured that the health and safety of our KIA family are our main priority. KIA Victoria is closely monitoring the evolving situation with respect to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus). We are continuing to review information from the Provincial Public Health Authority as well as both the Government of Canada and the Government of BC.

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________   We understand our guests may have questions about their visit to our dealership. We are proactively taking steps to ensure the safety of our guests and staff in response to Coronavirus (COVID-19). The safety of our guests and staff is KIA Victoria's top priority and we are committed to providing  a safe environment for all. If you still have questions after reading below, please consider contacting us directly.
  • The health and safety of our KIA family is our first priority
  • We have increased cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched objects and surfaces
  • We are offering an EASY SERVICE program

Is it safe to visit the dealership?

Safety is KIA Victoria’s top priority and we are committed to providing our guests and staff a safe work environment. The health risk at this time remains low for the Vancouver Island region. KIA Victoria continues to monitor the situation closely. In response to COVID-19, we have taken precautionary measures to expand and increase frequency of our dealership sanitization.

Dealership Cleaning and Sanitization

At all times, dealership facilities are given a full clean nightly, and a light disinfecting clean throughout the day. In response to Coronavirus (COVID-19), KIA Victoria has taken precautionary measures to expand and increase the frequency of our dealership sanitization. We are continuing to clean with our approved products, but have added additional disinfection. We have increased cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched objects and surfaces such as door handles, coffee/snack bar, service counters, waiting areas, and sales desks. Hand sanitizer and wipes are available for customers and staff to use.


We will be sanitizing frequently touched surfaces on our vehicles (such as door handles, steering wheels, gear shift knob, and seat belts) prior to all trips. We will also wipe down vehicle surfaces in vehicles we appraise for trade.

We are offering the following measures to minimize social interaction during these difficult times:

  • If you would prefer not to come into the dealership, we will take the test drive to you.  One of our staff will bring the vehicle that you are interested in, to your house or work.  Afterward, we can complete most of the transaction either online or by phone.  Once everything has been finalized, we can arrange for the paperwork to be dropped off for signing.
  • If you do come into the dealership, we will ensure that the vehicle you are wanting to test drive is sanitized prior to driving.  Again, we will take all precautions to minimize any risk.


We will be using disposable gloves during each vehicle interaction for our Valet and Technical staff as well as using a disinfectant on high touch areas in each vehicle we service.

If you are concerned with coming into the dealership you have three options:

  • While we’ll miss seeing your friendly face around here, as an added benefit to customers, we are offering an EASY SERVICE program. You can simply complete one of our night drop envelopes located on the outside of our dealership, lock your vehicle, put the keys into the envelope, and put the envelope into the secured lockbox.  We will contact you by phone, service your car with technicians wearing gloves at all times, wipe down the steering wheel and shifter, and leave your car on our lot for pick up.  Just call us prior to pick up.
  • We are offering early morning service appointments to seniors and those particularly susceptible to the virus. The main benefit is that the dealership will be freshly sanitized by our evening cleaning crew, and customer volume is minimal.
  • If you live within 10 km of the dealership and you would prefer to have us pick up your car we can pick your vehicle up for servicing and return it afterward.



We also recognize that these are tough economic times for many people in Greater Victoria.  We have implemented the following measures to try to help.

  • If your vehicle requires servicing, we have a few deferred payment options that may make it easier to have your vehicle serviced or repaired and allow you to spread out the cost involved.
  • If you are having difficulty making your monthly payments, contact one of our Finance Specialists and we will try to help by contacting your lender and requesting a payment extension.

How can you protect yourself?

Human Coronaviruses cause infections of the nose, throat and lungs. They are  most commonly spread from an infected person through:

  • respiratory droplets generated when you cough or sneeze
  • close, prolonged personal contact, such as touching or shaking hands
  • touching something with the virus on it, then touching your mouth, nose or eyes before washing your hands

We encourage all guests and staff to engage in  preventative measures.

More information is available here from Health Canada

 Preventative tips during your visit:

  • Carry your own hand sanitizers or disinfectant wipes
  • Wash your hands in our sanitized restrooms with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth
  • Please stay home if you are sick
  • When coughing or sneezing

1) Cover your mouth and nose with your arm or tissues to reduce the spread of germs

2) Immediately dispose of any tissues you have used into the garbage and wash your hands




KIA Victoria wants to help in any way we can.  If we can be of any assistance during this time, please do not hesitate to ask.

If anyone needs groceries, prescription drugs, or anything else picked up and delivered and is unable to get out themselves, let us know and we will try to help.

This situation serves as a reminder that the health and safety of our KIA family is our first priority. We take making a difference seriously.

Warmest regards,
The KIA Victoria Team

Any questions can be directed to Brad Ostermann at [email protected], 250-360-1111 or Bethan Ostermann at [email protected].



Other Helpful Resources

COVID-19 Coronavirus info for British Columbians

Public Health Agency of Canada:

Government of Canada Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates:

World Health Organization: