
Times Colonist: Pedro Arrais Reviews The 2020 Kia Telluride

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Pedro Arrais Review: Kia Telluride a Luxury Vehicle in All but Name.


The 2020 Kia Telluride has achieved multiple achievements since its debut, but the surprising reactions it has received from all that have come across it is far from over. Take it from Pedro Arrais of the Times Colonist, whose automotive review column appears on their Friday’s Drive section.

Times Colonist | Arrais, P. – January 17th, 2020

“The Telluride is essentially a luxury vehicle in everything but name. It deserves its North American Utility of the Year award and its role in elevating the image of the whole brand. I know I will look at Kias in a different light after this.”

Read Pedro’s article on the 2020 Kia Telluride HERE. Enjoy!




Browse our new Telluride inventory here.